Small Garden From Scratch? - scratch garden blogspot
I have a small yard with dirt or grass (Phoenix, Arizona), and I would plant pumpkins. What is needed? How do I start? Dig it together and put in a kind of fertilizer? What should I use? How? Water from the seeds planted every night, once planted? Please let me have your suggestions, regardless of the type of gardening, so that they learn from your experiences. This year, when the sculpture "The Jack-o-lantern am, I grew up.
Have you thought about a small raised bed? In this way, you do not play with the excavation to the "beautiful compacted earth." If you get four sheets of 2 x 6, nail set and fill with good top soil and fertilizer (I'm with the Miracle Grow!).
I'm going to plant pumpkins this year, but I live in western Wa. If you do not have this problem, simply never planted ... so both are to learn this year!
Can you still grow pumpkins in Arizona? I think that cooking in the vineyards. But you can try.
I do not agree with the previous answer ... the use of potting soil and mix present in the soil. Probably can not even black earth in Arizona .. Soil mixture (outside), about half and half with soil in the pot and add a small garden in plaster. These two things help to the sound. Spade or rowing together.
The water in your garden and plant your pumpkins. Get a small container of Miracle Gro (water soluble) fertilizer on the amount of your rights pursuant to instructions on the label shower. Use at least once a week to feed their plants.
You'll probably water every day in Phoenix .. If you have some mulch there would be a good idea, something to put your plants .. Mulching helps keep the soil cool and damp ..
Good luck.
Dear Little Garden
I assume that your clay soil. What have I done in the past with the clay to equal amounts of sand and dirt mixed with black clay, and up until you have a wonderful have to bear in the sand because it is only the sound package. Black Dirt is that seeds do not grow used, potting soil or garden soil. You get the rich black soil of a career. Good luck. If you have further questions, I hope you can help. I just want to say this from personal experience. I am not a professional in any way.
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