I want to have a picture taken of me being near a grown tiger, is this possible? - picture of colloidal tin
I was lucky, in the same room as the older tigers, tigers, and just watched and nothing will tigre. I also had the opportunity to stroke.
Tigers Animal Planet and see how I can see that people actually go and pet with the adult tigers, I took my photo next to an adult tiger, it is possible or not?
can cost money, but it can happen!
The easiest and safest way to do this is to find a zoo with a view of the tiger with a glass wall. You can get a few millimeters of animals in such exhibits, but are still protected by a glass wall. I do not know where he is, but I know this is an example of this type of Nice Erie Zoo in Erie, Pennsylvania.
It is unlikely that you will be able to get a picture next to a tiger, as in the animal world. People who work with animals have years of experience in working with them had required a degree of confidence of the biologist and the Tigers.
I got your e-mail asking me to answer this question ...
There are places in the United States, where you can do, but most of the implantation sites are not good. So, he says, will no longer be in this position I can not give their names to support.
Most places did not get so-called protective contact with their animals, including the owners, so close. Contact persists a kind of barrier between leaving little or no margin for error or wounded or killed by humans or animals.
Like I said, it is possible, but I may make public any support for these sites and their names.
I got your e-mail asking me to answer this question ...
There are places in the United States, where you can do, but most of the implantation sites are not good. So, he says, will no longer be in this position I can not give their names to support.
Most places did not get so-called protective contact with their animals, including the owners, so close. Contact persists a kind of barrier between leaving little or no margin for error or wounded or killed by humans or animals.
Like I said, it is possible, but I may make public any support for these sites and their names.
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